Delaware nursing outlines the educational, licensing, and career prospects for nurses in the state. It is the sixth smallest state in the country, but it is the most densely populated. There are only three counties in Delaware. The state is known for its agriculture and the strong work ethic of the residents who live there. It was the first state in the country to ratify the constitution. Many businesses migrate to the state because of the flexible laws. One of the oldest churches in the country is located in Delaware. There is no sales tax in the state.
If you are interested in pursuing a nursing career in Delaware, you can start with our list of the Best Nursing Programs in Delaware.
Featured Programs
The Delaware Board of Nursing issues licenses to registered nurses, practical nurses, and advanced practice registered nurses. Licenses are obtained by exam or by endorsement. Detailed information on how to apply is available on the Delaware Board of Nursing website.
Delaware Nursing License by Exam
To become a licensed nurse by Exam in Delaware, you must first complete an approved nursing program. After graduating from the program, you can apply for a nursing license by submitting the following:
- completed application and fees
- completed release for background check
- copy of your government ID
- school transcripts
- Nursing Reference Forms
- NCLEX-RN examination registration
Delaware Nursing License by Endorsement or Reciprocity
To apply for a Delaware nursing license by reciprocity or endorsement, you need to provide the above items and:
- a photocopy of current nursing license
- verification that you passed the NCLEX-RN exam
Delaware Is Part Of The Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC)
Delaware is a member of the Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC). Therefore, nurses in Delaware are eligible to work in NLC states if they meet the NLC requirements. The NLC standards require submitting fingerprints, a background check, and taking and passing the NCLEX-RN.
Helpful Links for Delaware Nurses:
First, make a list of nursing schools and programs that interest you. Next, figure out what you need to do to get into the college and nursing program. When applying to most colleges and universities you will be asked to provide a high school transcript or proof of graduation. Additionally, some schools will ask for SAT or ACT scores, an essay, and letters of recommendation.
Schools receive accreditation to show the quality of their academics. When applying to a school in Delaware, make sure it is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Suppose you earn a degree from an unaccredited school. After graduation you may have problems getting a job.
The nursing program you attend should have programmatic accreditation. The two nursing program accreditation organizations to look for are the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), nurses in Delaware earn an annual mean wage of $74,330, which is under the national mean of $80,010. However, the cost of living in Delaware is slightly lower than the national average. Therefore, it helps to offset the lower average salaries. In addition, nurses in Delaware can find higher wages in urban areas and if they hold a nursing specialization.
Although the state is small, there will always be a need for nurses. Students need to maintain good grades and get as much experience as possible because the outlook is competitive. As nurses begin to retire in the next 10 years, there will be an increase in the demand for younger nurses to take their place. Assisted living facilities and hospitals will likely be the places to look for a job after graduating.
Employment for nurses in Delaware is excellent. Delaware employs 26.77 nurses for every 1,000 workers. This high employment combined with competitive pay and a great quality of life makes Delaware a great pace to start your nursing career.
State-Based Financial Aid in Delaware
The Bayhealth Scholarship fund is the leading financial source for nursing students. Awards can last up to four years. Applicants should be enrolled in a nursing program in the state.
The University of Delaware Alumni Scholars Program is an option for students who do not want to undergo a rigorous application process. Instead, an interview will be conducted to determine eligibility for the scholarship.
The Delaware Nursing Incentive Program offers qualified students loans for nursing school. The loans can be forgiven after graduation in exchange for working in certain Delaware hospitals.
The Margaret A. Stafford Nursing Scholarship is for Delaware residents. Recipients must be accepted at an accredited college or university nursing program.