The top nursing TED Talks cover topics from dying to hallucinations to mental health and are a must-watch for nurses!
1. “A Broken Body isn’t a Broken Person”
- Janine Shepherd, who recovered from a horrific bicycle accident, talks about the human potential for recovery. So, watch this, her message of perseverance is inspiring!
2. “Can We Domesticate Germs?”
- “I want to talk about diarrhea.” Paul Ewald discusses ways to minimize the effects of germs
3. “The Wireless Future of Medicine”
- The Stethoscope: Extinct Technology? Eric Topol discusses new wireless gadgets that are also changing the traditional role of the nurse.
4. “How We Read Each Others’ Minds”
- Rebecca Saxe – “I’m going to talk to you about the problem of other minds.”
5. “The Universal Anesthesia Machine”
- Erica Frenkel talks about the importance of having the proper anesthesia equipment in the operating room
6. “The Next Species of Human”
- Juan Enriquez
7.”Take Healthcare Off the Mainframe”
- Eric Dishman talks about the downfalls of our current healthcare networking system and what we need to do to fix it.
8. “Let’s Talk About Dying”
- Dr. Peter Saul discusses dying in the 21st century
9. “Experiments That Hint of Longer Lives”
- Cynthia Kenyon discusses the genetic factors that lead to a long youthful life.
10. “What Hallucination Reveals About Our Mind”
- Oliver Sacks discusses hallucinations in visually impaired people and the biology associated with them.
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